When did "taking pictures with hot women" equal "success with women?" Seriously, with all the talk about kiss-closes and number-closes, it seems like guys focus MOST on picture-closes; which is, of course, nothing at all. Like...at all. Anyone can take pictures of themselves with hot women. Show me pictures of the PUAs fucking those women and maybe I'll change my mind.
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That was Mehow's girlfriend whom he was with for at least a year. She also helped or still helps him run the biz.
I met her once. She seemed nice, but was nothing that I'd consider hot. Someone would, but she was totally not my type. Bleached blond, lots of make-up, okay body but not fantastic, and just not naturally beautiful. But that's just me.
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The bitch looks fine. She definitely isn't a 10 and maybe even a 9, but I'd say if that's Mehow's girlfriend than good job, goblin. Scamming all those people have paid off.
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wow! I didn't know that, I thought he was gay. My respect for the man just went up. I must buy him a lunch next time I see him...
(coach in LA/NYC and social mastery book)
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Doctor Paul (deep inner game with david d)
Yad - Gremlin 2.0 (daygame.com)
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Its called having money and becoming business partners. But like the above guy said, she isnt that good in person
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